..... that we have all found the loves of our lives, and are married.
I've done a bit of reminiscing lately of life and the fun times we have had growing up! All siblings go through that natural phase of being friends & enemies all at once... but in the end, we were always told... "Treat them right, for they will one day be your best friends that will ALWAYS be there for you regardless."
Over these precious years, I have found this to be true!
I have loved, and truly counted it an honor to stand by you on your special days! Thank you for being willing to do it for me too:-) I couldn't be more blessed to call you both my sisters! Thank you so much for your love, support and friendship as we grew up together.
January 15th, 2011
April 6th, 2013
June 15th, 2013
With all this being said... I have also gained some wonderful "sisters -in- laws!"
My prayer would be that... aside from recently becoming a part of the family, I want to also try to be that friend, who brings encouragement, support, & love like I have tried to do & be to my sisters!
I am truly blessed.