Thursday, July 31, 2008


Crazy post, I know, but it's been something I have thought about recently. Several times, I have thought about what to do differently with my long hair and all its kinky, frizzy, sometimes curly texture! I mean, some things have changed a little bit... but not enough to be satisfied.
I guess I just get bored having hair put back in a braid day in and day out... and it takes too long to straighten it most days. I pretty much never wear it down, but wouldnt mind starting to more. It's just that working everyday, on the go the whole shift, leaves my hair getting in the way, even if pulled back. Maybe I'm just too picky, or maybe there are some other issues I need to get over with...
I hate barretts holding my upper portion of my hair due to strands breaking off, but I like a little part on my left side, twists seem too much for an everyday look, and french braids.. well for years growing up, thats how things were. I'm done with that look too! Yea, its a useless topic with me... one that I'll always struggle with.


The Taylors said...

Sounds like you have a problem!! :) I have always felt blessed in that my hair while long (though not as long as yours) is thin enough and straight enough to make it easier to deal with.

Lynette said...

If it is any consolation,I say join the crowd.If you come up with a solution I would love to know about it.

Becky said...

Oh goodness - I thought I was the only one that felt like I walk around with my hair pulled straight back, pony-tail style while all of the rest of the [female] world spins around me with cute hairdo's. If I could draw cartoons that would better describe it. I don't know what Net's talking about though - she always looks cute and can do a million cute things with her hair. My "dressy" hairstyle - ponytail with a barrette; my everyday hairstyle - ponytail; my work haristyle - ponytail - you get the idea!

Leah & Jon said...

No no Beck, even if you can do "cute" things with your hair, 1) there are still only so many things to be done with long hair, and 2) you still get tired of those styles and feel like you need a serious change!

I definitely know what you're saying about your hair just getting in the way when it's down Aim! Luckily, though, mine is staight and light enough to just flop up in some kind of knot. This is my daily do. Works best with really wet hair and requires no hair thing to hold it! Yep I'm lazy!

Jenn said...

I know what you mean about long hair. But I envy your wavy/curly hair. I think it would be so easy just to put some gel in it and do a messy/curly bun, like Ange. After this baby is born, I'm hoping to get a perm. I understand where you're coming from when you talk about frizzy hair... that's my game everyday. Katrin got the curls and I get the frizz!!

Anonymous said...

Here's the opinion of your hairy opposite - someone with fine, straight hair who finally went ahead with the cut and perm: I think your do is gorgeous but can't imagine the work of simply combing it out after a shampoo! Why not check out some wigs? Fool around, go with a friend, take pics & have fun before commitment.