Thursday, August 14, 2008


Just a bit green around the gills....
I know, I know.. what a sight! Unfortunately, it's not much different in real life right now. I've been down with some upper respiratory infection - wicked, wicked sore throat, cough, congestion in the lungs, hair matted to my head & very little energy. I have been in my pj's and drinking cocco with some french vanilla coffee creamer(which I always have to have!)
My only plus right now is that I don't seem to have much of an appetite for food, which I know is very important for me right now! Needless to say, the lbs that I've been wanting to wash off me, are officially doing so! Now, if only I can keep it that way. =)

I was given/made an appointment for my annual physical and it's scheduled for tomorrow morning. At the time, I felt perfectly fine & now.. it looks like I'll be in for a sick call too!
I think if I met up with a creature like this in the middle of the night, I'd be scared too. I guess I better not look in the mirror!


The Taylors said...

Ugh, you paint a grim word picture! :-( So sorry you aren't feeling well, help you are back to your normal healthy self soon. I could use an ailment that takes my appetite!

Lynette said...

I am definitely with you Rach,I could use either a looong ailment that takes my appetite or several in a row.Aimee, hope you are much better real soon.

Becky said...

I'm just trying to figure out why YOU are trying to lose weight Aimee. And I'm sure I have gotten you all beat as far as how long I need to lose my appetite!