My mom has always stressed taking proper care of our teeth growing up, and for that I am truly grateful for so many things I've been saved from having to go through up until now. Every 6 months, every year, we would faithfully go for our cleanings and be praised by the doctor at how all 3 of us girls' teeth were without cavities. This all came to an end in October or November... and since then I have been in that office more than I ever wanted to be in 2 months! From being told I had a cavity at my 6 month cleaning, to having it filled, to thinking I had an abcess in THE SAME tooth 1 month later, to having it confirmed and starting on antibiotics (which I reacted to), to being told I had to have a root canel - (now having gone through 2 phases already, having a wisdom tooth pulled because it was coming in sideways right next to the tooth Ive had all the issues with, to having to now go back and get stitches removed, and then yet another time for phase 3 to finish the root canel with a post and crown in a month. I am forever done with the dentist until my next 6 month, and this actually is scheduled for April.
All the while, this was and still is all new to me never knowing what to expect.
Ive concluded going to the dentist just isnt fun!