Happy Mother's Day
To My Mother who means the world to me.
Thank you for all your time and attention over the years which has helped me mature into the individual I have become. Thank you for your love and concern when things werent always the easiest, and when it would have been so much easier to just give up.
Life without you, Mom just wouldnt be the same, and for this, I want you to know that there isnt a day that goes by that you arent loved & thought of.
I have always enjoyed our many outings together, our laughs, and our tears at times. Each and every moment will be cherished for as long as life is.
Thanks for EVERYTHING over the years! As much as it isn't always acknowledged, it certainly doesnt go unnoticed!
With Love
Here are a few pictures of our little celebration of Mother's Day(well 2 days later).
We all are on the same weekend & at 3 different facilities, but Mom works day shifts. This led to not seeing her on Mother's day so, we all decided to wait until our day off to have her open her gifts. In the meantine, they were left for her to admire. :)