Friday, May 6, 2016

Easter & Extras..

Easter Sunday Selfies

It was a real treat to have mom visiting over Easter this year! Just a little taste of home around the holiday really made a difference! I remember mom being SOO excited to visit, as we were to have her come! We had so many things planned, and did nearly all of them! Of course, there are plenty more things for her to see and do, but that just has to wait until next time :-) 

We took the tripod with us as we walked a short way from our apartment, but decided not to use it. Honestly, I was kind of skiddish setting up on the property and trying to get photos of ourselves, so we went the quick and easy way.. A Selfy Stick :-) I figured anything was better than nothing! Plus, dinner was in the oven and on the stove, so didn't want to be gone long!

A Day at Sea World

Here are a couple of the shows that we watched...

THIS one below has changed soooo much since last time we were there! I was actually quite disappointed.. I felt like they were all about trying to prove or get their message across that the trained whales weren't being tortured etc and all the benefits there were for having them... bla bla bla, so needless to say, I was kind of bummed after talking this show up to mom and how it was the best one they had there! Plus, it was to early in the season to have the fireworks.. and I LOVE FIREWORKS!


To my surprise, as we were passing the entrance to the Atlantis roller coaster, mom pipes up (one who HATES them & who has always refused to go on any) and says something like, I know you guys love roller coasters, and if you would like to go, I'll go with you. I was sooo taken back, as I had thought she was going to say.. If you would like to go, I'll be happy to wait for you.
I was so proud of her!! We really do enjoy riding them, even though I get pretty nervous anticipating whats to come. If I can see the whole ride and what's to come next, I can prepare myself for it, but when a part is hidden... I freak! This ride had one of those moments, and Tim caught it..


This was their Observation ride to the top! I had some fun with mom about this one too, before she realized what it actually was.. I told her, they pull you to the top and then drop you. haha!

 ...Last shot before heading out..

To Be Continued..


مها said...
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Anonymous said...

Tim and Aimee,
Just looking here at you blog pictures you posted! What great pictures and memories that were made for me that week! I enjoyed my stay with you both so much! Thank you so much for everything! I still laugh at myself thinking how confused I'd get every time I'd come out of MY bathroom! Crazy me....I usually ended up in your room with a confused expression on my face then I'd have to laugh at my self! I loved that Pie-ology place! That was one awesome pizza for sure!

Well, make plans for the next time cause I'm comin back to visit! I love our "three"..take care of the little "bunkie" See you next month!

Love la Madre

Laurel Tpraize said...

Wow really nice

عبير القحطان said...

نحن افضل شركة كشف تسربات المياة بالرياض لحل فواتير
المياه بالرياض ومتخصصين فى بحث وكشف تسربات المياه وحل تسرب
المياه ووقف نهائى لتسريب المياه بالضمان يوجد لدينا شركات
داخل وخارج الرياض متخصصيين فى مشاكل التسربات المياة كشركة
كشف تسربات المياة وكشف مياة التسرب وكشف تسرب المياة افضل شركة كشف تسرب المياه بالرياض يوجد فنيين متخصصين
للعمل لدى شركتنا فى ايجاد التسربات وحلول كثيرة لدينا فى
ايجاد تسريب المياه مع افضل الفنيين لحل ارتفاع فاتورة المياة
مع اطيب تمانينا لشركتنا لتفوقها فى الخدمات المنزلية عوازل

شركه كشف تسربات المياه بالطائف

شركة كشف تسرب المياه بالاحساء

شركه كشف تسربات المياه بجدة

شركه كشف تسربات المياه بمكة

عبير القحطان said...

شركه كشف تسربات المياه بمكة

شركه عزل فوم بالرياض

شركه عزل فوم بالدمام

شركه عزل اسطح بالدمام

شركه عزل فوم بالقطيف

شركه عزل فوم بالاحساء

شركه عزل فوم بالجبيل