Sunday, March 22, 2009


Since the delivery this morning at 9:20am... I have been spending hours weeding things out as I unpack, condensing and setting up my humble abode. It's been soo much fun having the opportunity to place things just the way you want them, just because everything is finally YOURS. My own styles can finally be seen.
I want my parents to know just how much I've appreciated the use of their furniture over the many years living here. It's been great to say the least, but I guess there always comes a time when you want furniture to call your own =)
I'll stop with this for now because there is yet so much that needs done....
This whole process has been truly exciting for me.. and moreso now that I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It seems like a long time coming.....

1 comment:

wolfwatcher said...

Im so glad that your almost there :-) You've worked so hard for it! Im excited for the pictures :-P. Praying for ya, have a good one Aimee!