Thursday, July 25, 2013

Prep1, Prep2 & Day of Hair styles

A couple weeks after my shower, I had several final appointments to attend to in Lake Placid prior to the wedding. Mom & I made a trip north for an overnight and met up with Aunt Ruth  and then later the rest of the family for dinner. Aunt Ruth, Mom & I went to all my appointments.. I figure the more the merrier, and well for moral support as Tim couldn't be there this time. One of the main appointments was my trial run for the wedding day hairstyle. I had spent HOURS searching for that "perfect" style and was hard pressed to find one that I totally felt confident with. This one below, was (what I thought to be) my final choice! I know that you cant get your hopes up to have THAT exact style done on ones hair, but for some reason I thought it could be pretty close- Long or short hair. Needless to say, it turned out to be a MASSIVE curly bun and a huge bump in the middle (in side views). I had guessed that the stylist had put 300 bobby pins in my hair, as thats all she seemed to do, and I was feeling every one of them :-(  In the end it was only 75-80 I think. I was pretty shocked.

Not so convinced....

I left the salon after paying $100 and not being satisfied:-/ I made the hair appointment my first for the day, so had to deal with a not so good up-do the rest of the day. Needless to say, I gained a MASSIVE headache within an hour of leaving.. and tolerated it until about 4:30ish. I pictured my wedding day then and having an early hair appointment and a more evening wedding/reception and concluded that this just wasn't going to work... I was back to the drawing board again. Shortly after, as I didn't have a ton of time left.. I started messing with my hair and trying other ideas myself.. I was skiddish at the idea of my wedding day being another trial run, but I was willing to take that chance.. I wanted to enjoy my day rather than have that headache again. 


The Day Of..

I expressed my concerns about my last trial run.. I tried my very best to explain my new idea as I had decided just to leave it down, as that would be the safest. She attempted SEVERAL times to braid my hair down the sides like I had wanted, and I could tell very quickly that she had NO IDEA what she was doing. Over and over again, she would tear it apart and start over. I thought, forget it... if she doesnt know, then I'll just do it myself.. I wasnt taking any chances of it not meeting my expectations THAT day... and took over I did. Not totally sure she liked it, but oh well.... :-)

All in all, I was a very happy bride-to-be when I was done!
There was such a peace and confidence that I didnt have before. 
I could now go to my wedding:-)

1 comment:

Cheryl Myers said...

Your hair looked beautiful Aimee! I didn't realize you had a braid in it till I saw this picture! It was a gorgeous day indeed!

Love you!