Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Use what you have to Make a Difference!

I've been clearly reminded of the many blessings I have in life, that quite frankly I've taken for granted often. A while back, I wrote a post on "Extreme Makeover" and how my eyes have been truly opened to the world around us, those that are stuggling in all sorts of ways & how we all can be a part in making a difference in the lives of others.
Well, tonight after work, I decided to play catch up with some episodoes of Extreme Makeover, and once again was faced with tears rolling down my cheeks when I thought about how so many people face life living a struggle of finiancial debt, physical ailments of family members, which limits potentials we each could have to offer, having a roof over your head, but that it's so far from being called a house or even better, a home! Some of us can't even comprehend what others go through, others that give all THEIR time and energy to help others, like themselves or ones worse off- while everything to a naked eye continues to worsen or fall apart.
To look at someone, can say a lot, but even still there are others, who to look at them, you would never know they are battling some of the most difficult battles, fighting the hardest wars within themselves, whether its trying to find a purpose in life, knowing that someone very dear and close has been taken away, or weathering the storms of the seasons under a roof thats about to cave in.
Humanly, we all can only handle just so much of these difficult times. We need to find relief in some way or another. ABC, has such an awesome way at helping to take the burden off of struggling families so they can have a place that can be safe, warm and where they can be together with the ones that mean the most & love. They are good for giving people a chance of a NEW start in life; a new begining!
Take a look around....Many people are desperate, far more than we could ever imagine. When I think about it, I am reminded of what God has given me : A family, good friends, picture perfect health, support & love to share, a great job in which I can be of help to others, just so much that I am so grateful for. I think about times in which I feel my life has hit rock bottom, times in which I didn't know where to turn or what to do, and Im reminded that there is a purpose to everything! Without going through difficult times, one will never gain strength and become who they were made to be.
We all need to be reminded of the fact that:
Regardless of how little one may have or how difficult a time one is going through,
it's what we do with the resources/time that we have, that makes all the difference.
We can be a blessing to others in our darkest of times.


wolfwatcher said...

that we can Aimee! Theres a really good song. In it Hes asking God to give him Gods eyes for just one second, so He can see peoples needs. Gods arms so he can reach the ones that he cant reach on His own. You have God's eyes, its awesome. God can and will use you to do amazing things in those peoples lives. That is for sure!

The Taylors said...

Yep, one episode of Extreme HomeMakeover sure puts life into perspective! We were talking about it last night (after Sunday's episode) how content, happy, and loving the family was living at pverty level and seemingly have "nothing" by most standards, and STILL reaching out. Makes you really look at your priorities. I really like the song wolfcatcher referenced.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aimee - I appreciate the depth of your blog entries; a lot of food for thought. We are SO blessed! Marilyn

Becky said...

Well said. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.